Monday, June 15, 2009

Scenes from VBS 2009

Last week we had VBS. It was an "Australian" theme called "Boomerang Express".

Micah was to old to participate this year so he helped out in the crafts/missions areas. They had crafts MWF and missions on Tues/Thurs. He particularly enjoyed helping with the missions because he got to go in the "sound booth" and run the projection/sound equipment.

Jonah was in the 2nd grade class this year. I think his fav. part was the snack time and his fav. snack was the blue jello with gummy fish and a pretzel stick. (The story that day talked about Jesus calling us to be Fishers of Men.)

I (Elizabeth) helped out as a Kindergarten leader. (Always my favorite grade!) We had between 18 and 25 kindergarteners every day. They were officially split into two classes but we were on the same schedule and in the same room so there were many times that we just merged into one giant class. Crazy but fun! :-)

Enjoy the photos!
Jonah during story time.
One of the many signs decorating the halls.
An Authentic Australian Instrument

Mark visits with Peter on "parent night" on Wednesday.

Micah in his VBS shirt on Monday after VBS.

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