Saturday, September 26, 2009

Recent Photos

I haven't taken as many photos this month as I typically do. I guess it's just been a busy time filled with routine life that I haven't felt was photo worthy.

Last weekend Jonah went to the Forest Festival in East Texas with my parents, brother, & his fiancee. They bought him this cowboy outfit. It sounded like everyone involved had a fun filled weekend. :-)

This morning Jonah participated in the ACE program at his school. (That is our district's new after school enrichment program.) Today they focused on cooking. It included making eggs, sausage, and biscuits for breakfast and spaghetti to take home for lunch. He also got some time to play educational games on the computers.

Micah has been enjoying school. They've gone on several field trips. I'm not sure he appreciated the Butterfly House but I have it on good authority that he and the Staalson boys were impressed by the Bass Performance Hall in Ft. Worth.

Today I took the three boys to the Winston School north of Dallas. They made rockets and had a competition to see which one flew the farthest. One of the Staalson boys brought home the first place trophy and Micah brought home the third place ribbon.

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